Friday, July 13, 2007

a true photo blog

Israel really does have every landscape imaginable. these are just some of my favorite pictures i've taken throughout the trip.

this trip really was amazing. i didn't have too many expectations going into it, but it was infinitely above and beyond anything i thought it could be. IBEX is definitely the way to go if you're going to Israel. the trip is much longer than any other tour you could go on, and it's more intense mentally and physically than any other tour. Nate did an absolutely phenomenal job teaching us the history, the land, and the Bible. it's so true that the Bible comes to life once you've been. now as i'm reading through things i can picture how the story unfolds geographically. i also enjoyed getting to know all the people that went too. we are all very different, but somehow God orchestrated it that a large majority of us are in a transitional stage in life, not sure what the next step is. it was neat to be able to encourage each other in what we're going through.

there were so many highlights-swimming in the Sea of Galilee, the Banyas hike, getting to know Erica a lot better, hanging out with people, tackling Masada, long and tiring yet richly packed days...but i think i will overall take from the trip a renewed appreciation of God's awesome grace and faithfulness over time. He truly is an eternal God that doesn't change and is always faithful to an unfaithful people. Selah.


James said...


L said...

WOW. I like it Cheryl. :]